Fire Alarm Monitoring

What is Central Station Monitoring?

  • This is a service that monitors electronic systems 24/7 and notifies building owners, managers, and/or first responders of an off-normal condition.

Why would you need a monitoring service?

  • Most jurisdictions require fire alarm systems to be monitored. Upon activation, the monitoring service will dispatch the fire department automatically.
  • Systems integrity.  The monitoring station will send notifications if a system in not communicating.

How does this work?

  • These systems communicate automatically to the central monitoring station using a device called a dialer.
  • First responders are notified of an alarm condition based on local dispatching contacts on file
  • The monitoring agents will notify individuals of an off-normal condition based on a pre-set call list submitted when the account is set up
  • Account changes can be made at any time using the passcode that is set when the account is set up.

What is a wireless dialer and is there an advantage to using one?

  • A cellular dialer is a device that sends the signals to the central monitoring station
  • Using a cellular dialer eliminates the cost and need for conventional phone lines

Get us involved in your next project

Contact us and one of our account managers will perform a needs assessment.

We will spend the time it takes to understand your needs and work with your team to provide the solutions needed to succeed.
